Paul Bennun, SVP Employee Experience at DAZN

Experience Architects: Building Engagement in the Real & Virtual Worlds

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Dive into the future of work with Paul Bennun on our latest episode! As we embrace the era of hybrid working, the workplace undergoes a dynamic shift. Join Paul as he unravels the secrets behind crafting an exceptional employee experience at DAZN, where digital channels and physical spaces seamlessly blend. Discover the challenges faced and how to strike the perfect balance between the virtual and real realms.

Paul recommended the following book: "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" by Nicholas Taleb.

00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:58 Guest Introduction: Paul Bennun
01:54 Understanding DAZN
02:57 The Impact of Hybrid Working on Employee Experience
06:39 Balancing Physical and Digital for Inclusion
09:27 The Role of Leadership in Employee Experience
17:10 Measuring the Impact of Employee Experience Initiatives
18:11 Key Recommendations for Improving Employee Experience
19:26 Closing Remarks and Book Recommendation

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